Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Regrowing veggies

Produce can be so expensive!

I've found out recently that you can regrow certain vegetables.

  • Green Onions- Once you use it up, leave about an inch or so of the white part at the bottom. Simply place in water and they will regrow! They are super quick too. Mine started to grow within a few days and reached a decent length in a week. 

  • Celery- cut off the bottom of the stalk, soak in warm water overnight and plant in a small pot. Mine have been sitting in my window sill and started to grow really quickly!

  • Garlic- I always have extra garlic after I but a big clove. I usually end up tossing it. Plant a clove in soil and it will grow. Once it starts to grow a stalk will emerge. Chop that off once and a healthy bulb should grow after that. 

I'm sure there are a ton more that you can regrow but this is the start of my indoor veggie gardens! I'll add more as I learn about them!

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